Do you know what your thermostat sensor does? This tiny component typically located in the back of your thermostat is vital to the inner workings of your HVAC system. It reads the temperature of the air of your home and transmits it to your thermostat. Based on the data received, your HVAC system then either pumps heated or cooled air through your home until your desired temperature is reached. If your thermostat sensor isn’t functioning properly, it’s time to enlist the help of an AC service and repair in Alpharetta. Using these tips, you’ll be able to find the right technician to get your system up and running again.
- Ask for references from friends and family. Instead of calling based on an internet search or mailed flier, speak with those you trust the most. Chances are your loved ones have dealt with various HVAC technicians in the past. With their recommendations, you should be able to find someone trustworthy.
- Don’t fall for over-the-phone bids. There’s no way for an HVAC technician to know exactly what’s plaguing your system without inspecting things thoroughly. That’s why it’s so important that they actually visit your home and take a look at things. If you call a prospective technician and he’s willing to give you a bid over the phone, insist that they perform an in-person inspection. If they refuse, move on to a different company.
- Experience isn’t everything. While it’s important that your technician is experienced and has spent a few years in the business, they should also be up-to-date on modern techniques and components. If they’re unfamiliar with programmable thermostats and control units, they may not be able to repair your sensor or perform the services that you need.
- Check for licenses and certifications. It’s not uncommon for HVAC contractors to perform unlicensed work. While they may seem like they know what they’re doing, an unlicensed contractor can’t be insured. This means that if something goes wrong, they won’t be held liable for their mistake. Your HVAC technician should be licensed with the state and carry a valid insurance policy too.
- Each bid should be in writing. After an HVAC technician comes to your home and inspects your thermostat sensor, get a bid before agreeing to begin any repairs. The bid should be put into writing. Then, it’s easy for you to compare prices or dispute any unnecessary charges that may arise.
- Price shouldn’t be a determining factor. While you may be on a budget, it’s also important to choose quality parts and a quality technician. If you’re looking for a contractor who’s offering rock bottom prices, you may be left with a subpar service. Be willing to pay to have the problem fixed properly. You’ll find that getting the job done right the first time is much less expensive than choosing a bargain contractor.
Your HVAC system is made up of many intricate components. While you may think that the problem lies with your thermostat sensor, there are many other things that could be contributing to the issue. Using these tips, you can find the right ac service and repair in Alpharetta to examine your system. With their help, your thermostat will function properly again in no time.