When your air conditioner breaks down, it’s easy to feel helpless, especially if you don’t know anything about how your AC works or what may be wrong with it. Even if you’re not comfortable attempting repairs yourself, it’s helpful to understand how your system works so that you’re more informed when looking for professional AC maintenance services in Alpharetta. Here are the basics of how your AC works and what may be wrong with it.
The basic components of a central air conditioning system include the thermostat for temperature control, the condensing unit (located outside the home), and the evaporator (located inside the home). The system basically works by changing refrigerant from a gas to a liquid in the condenser. Then the fans circulate the air inside to the evaporator where the liquid is changed back to a vapor, which removes the heat and cools the air. Then this cool air is circulated through the house, and the cycle continues until the temperature set on the thermostat is reached.
There are some simple things to check if your AC isn’t working. If it won’t turn on at all, check the batteries in the thermostat and make sure the breaker running the AC unit hasn’t tripped. If it’s running but not cooling properly, you may just need to change the filter or see if ice has formed on the coils inside the condensing unit. If there’s no change, you may need professional AC repair in Alpharetta. Here are a few of the most common repairs.
- Refrigerant Leak – Refrigerant leaks can cause your AC to run less efficiently because the refrigerant level is lower than it should be. The leak needs to be identified and repaired by a professional as soon as possible not only to get your AC running efficiently, but to minimize exposure of refrigerant to the environment as well.
- Electric Control Failure – Wires and terminals can become corroded after time and prevent good electrical connection. Shorts in the electrical connections can make the system run inconsistently.
- Drainage Issues – Water drainage is normal and necessary, so if you notice any drainage changes, call a technician to find the source of the problem to prevent mold and algae growth.